Seats, Harnesses, Shifter

Got a lot of work done on mounting seats, figuring out the harnesses, and mounting the ktuned shifter.

If you try to center your seat to use the FFR eye bolt brackets, it does not line up with the steering column. So I cut out the inside eye bolt bracket. I also cut out the front eye bolt bracket since it doesn’t work with my sparco seat and blocks the slider. I relocated the inside eye bolt bracket further inside and placed some plates under the seat for the eye bolts.


After doing all of this and feeling proud of myself, I discover the FFR harness bar will not work for me. It is not wide enough (to the inside). And it is probably too high. So I cut them out. I’ll need to use the square tubing for the shoulder harnesses.


Next, I’ll need to figure out how to notch the firewall for the harnesses.




Also cut the tunnel frame since it really isn’t needed for the 818R. I don’t plan on using any of the tunnel aluminum. The tunnel frame is just long enough mount and locate the ktuned shifter.